Fire Pit Sphere Plans CNC DXF USA Theme
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24-inch & 36 Inch DXF File Designs included
Excellent Seller & Money Maker
USA Theme Fire Pit Sphere Plans DXF File
360-degree fire pit ball CNC plasma cut files with removable top.
Fabrication DXF Files for all size tables.
Designed for small tables like the Crossfire Pro & for larger 4×8 or 5×10 tables.
Fire Pit Geodesic Sphere File Download Includes:
- 24 and 36-inch designs
- 5 & 7 Piece Design (Cut Files) for 24 & 36 Inch fire pits.
- Base cut file with and without stars
- PDF with dimensions and layouts
- Designed to cut out of 10 gauge material (approximately 0.13 inches)
- The top part of the dome lifts completely off.
- Hinged Hexagon Panel to add more wood without top half removal
- Use with or without top
Are you looking for a design that will WOW your customers?
CNC DXF Designs that can be cut out and fabricated without too much effort and sell for a nice profit? It seems these fire pit ball designs are becoming more popular and people will pay the price.