How Long Does It Take Spray Paint to Dry?
If you plan to start a new project or perhaps you just finished a project that required the use of spray paint, you may have some questions about what to expect next. This is normal and expected. One of the questions that I see often is concerning spray paint drying durations. How long does it take spray paint to dry? Here is what I can tell you on this topic.
So, how long does it take spray paint to dry? 8-24 hours is how long spray paint will take to dry. Spray paint will dry based on 4 primary factors and needs to move through 4 phases to reach a completely dry and useable state. Spray paint dry times will vary based on the surface the paint is applied to, humidity and temperature and the number of coats.
While you may have been googling this question looking for a precise answer to the question and a set scheduled amount of time needed for spray paint to dry, unfortunately, too many factors come into play to provide you with that.
Instead, if you hang around for just a minute or two, I’m going to break down the 4 considerations mentioned above in more depth and see if I can give you more of a concrete answer to work with. Let’s jump into those details now.
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4 Key Considerations Impacting Spray Paint Dry Times
Like I stated previously, the answer to this question isn’t necessarily black and white. However, it can be narrowed down and pinpointed much easier once you look at a few key factors that play into your overall dry times when using spray paint for your DIY projects.
Below, I’m going to break down each of these to give you an idea of what I’m referencing.
#1-What Surface Are You Currently Working With

The first consideration you need to keep in mind when determining how fast spray paint will dry is the surface. It seems simple enough but it does make an impact on your dry times in a dramatic fashion.
For example, Metal can be one of the fastest drying surfaces depending on the humidity levels and temperature where the project is taking place and where the project is left to dry. On the flip side, depending on humidity, metal can also encounter a slower drying process than other surfaces.
Additionally, brick and concrete will dry faster than a project that’s made of wood due to how quickly the concrete and masonry can absorb the paint compared to wood. Simple enough right? Well, not so fast. Let’s touch on the other important factors to keep in mind.
#2-What Type of Spray Paint Was Applied?
It also makes a difference and impacts your dry time based on the kind of spray paint being applied. For example, Rustoleum spray paint is known to dry faster than if you were using any standard form of spray paint.
#3-How Many Coats of Spray Paint Did You Use?
I’m assuming most of you were aware of this consideration, but in case you were not, I figured I would mention it. Clearly, the number of coats and the amount of it applied to the project is going to have an impact on the dry time.
The more coats of spray paint you apply, the longer the dry time you can expect. It’s not rocket science by any means but is often forgot by individuals. If you are only applying 1-2 coats of spray paint and the temperatures are ideal for drying, you can expect a quick turnaround.
#4-Where Is Your Project Currently Drying After Application?
This plays directly into the overall humidity levels and temperatures. If you are allowing your project to dry in a room with low humidity and enough heat, you can also speed the process of drying significantly. This could even come down to where you live.
Overall, these components will factor into your overall duration and time needed for your project to dry, but you still need to stick around for about 2 more minutes if you want the rest of the necessary information. Trust me, not reading on will likely result in your project showing fingerprints, chipped paint or physical damage.
We still need to touch on the 4 phases of spray paint drying to ensure you don’t jump the gun and don’t take the risk of believing a project is dry and ready for use when it may have still needed more time for your project to dry adequately.
Let’s check those out now.
4 Phases of Spray Paint Drying
When you are completing a project that you recently spray painted, you need to keep in mind that the naked eye may not serve you best to know when the project is ready for the next phase. Spray paint and paint in general is going to move through 4 stages of drying before it’s fully prepared for use or the next steps.
Here’s a look at them.
#1- Surface Dry
When the spray paint has reached the dry surface phase, you have entered part 1 of the drying process. During this phase, most of the drying taking place is due to evaporation from the more volatile solvents contained within the spray paint.
This is also when a thin film or exterior/outer layer will be formed. This is not the time to rush the project. Touching the project is still likely to cause visible deformities in the paint, and your project still needs time to dry completely.
#2- Touch Dry
This is phase 2 and likely the phase that most individuals get a bit too hasty and rushed. It’s often the phase where you feel safe to move your project or you may feel your project is complete, which is not advised just yet. During this phase, you may not notice the spray paint sticking to your fingers.
However, during this phase, much more than a light touch to the surface could cause the spray paint to flake, chip, or show physical signs of your fingerprints or even streaks. Your getting closer to having a completed project ready for the next step but not quite yet.
#3-Hard Dry
This phase seems a bit redundant, but it does have a purpose. This phase of the drying process is much like phase 2.
While the project seems safe to touch from the naked eye and you don’t feel any stick from the paint, you still have a chance of damaging the paint, flaking the paint or causing physical signs of damage. Relax, you only have one more phase before your project is complete.
#4- Complete Dry
You have reached the finish line if you have allowed your project to dry through phase 4 of the drying process.
Phase 4 means that you will no longer damage the surface, you can handle the surface and the project is ready to be used, implemented, and you can call it a day and enjoy a cold one for your hard work and patience.
Other Considerations to Keep in Mind
The kind of paint that you opt to use can also make a significant impact on your overall dry times. For instance, enamels are known to dry very quickly due to the quick evaporation of the solvents contained in the paint.
Other paints such as polymers and latex may take longer to dry. Overall, you can expect spray paint to surface dry as quickly as 30 minutes. However, don’t let this blog post slip your mind and refer back to it if necessary. A surface dry doesn’t mean to jump the gun.
Most paints to play it safe need between 8-24 hours for a complete dry to take place. Of course, this always depends on the 4 factors we discussed previously as well. Always refer to the 4 factors that impact drying times and ensure you allow drying to go through its 4 phases before using.
If you stick to this routine, you won’t run into any problems, and your projects will finish as clean and sharp as you originally intended.
In Summary, Spray Paint Dry Times Can Vary Greatly.
Again, I know this may not be one of those pinpointed answers that makes you know the exact answer. However, that’s how many things work in this world. Some patience and understanding that what appears to be dry, may need more time is the most critical advice I can give you.
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