Power Take Off
Power Take Off – Truck Power Take Off
Is a splined driveshaft with a typical application set up on a farm tractor for power to a separate piece of machinery or attachment. This type of application is limited with a tractor because it cannot travel down the highway at 55 + M.P.H. With this option you would be able to travel to many job sites getting more jobs completed in one day.
Now with Harry’s completely detailed set of plans to build your own Truck Power Take Off the sky is the limit as he explains…..
For further information on the DIY PTO, plans see Harry’s Power Take Off web page!
There are a number of uses for PTO power on farm tractors that Do Not perform well. I will list two that an altered axle installed in a Truck will perform; they are as follows:
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Trucks can travel at speed limits between job sites and perform truck duties between PTO jobs. A switch installed in conjunction with the axle allows PTO or traction drive by positioning that switch.
Trucks are designed for extreme duty cycles. Their radiators are large, engines have higher horsepower, fuel tanks are big enough to create a mobile horsepower system to maintain high h.p. and perform extreme demands over an extended period of time. (It should be noted that a truck retired or unable to pass D.O.T. can still function in PTO power.)
The choice for axle modification is Rockwell International. The design is a direct drive through the propeller shaft. This allows a simple modification. Beveled gears in the truck and gearboxes allow quiet power and a selection of engine speeds since the transmission is being used.
After many years of research, hands-on experience, formal education (dual degrees in mathematics/physics) and teaching Harry has perfected his Truck Power Take off and is now offering his Power Take Off Plans through gizmoplans. He feels this product is needed for efficiency especially in the “field” of agriculture. Over the years, I have modified equipment to increase performance or a design that, outside the box, changed the way things are done. I spent almost 40 years working with Lehland and Vern Pearson consulting and designing vacuum tank equipment known as Betterbuilt. Much of the current vacuum tank industry carries serious influence from the Pearsons. If you have questions about your application on your truck after purchasing the Truck Power Take Off plans I offer my telephone number with the plans to discuss it with you!
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