Drill Jig





Drill Jig for Round Bar, Tube and Pipe
David from Franklin, New Hampshire has been a long time metal crafter and now offers his through Round Bar, Tube & Pipe Drill Jig Plans.
Did you ever want to cross drill a hole right, smack, dab in the middle of a tube or pipe? I have lots of times. Finally, one snowy afternoon with not much else to do, I sat down and designed a jig to do just that. The next day I cut and formed the stock and built it. It came out so well, I put together this booklet so I could share it with others.? You could probably make the whole thing in an afternoon if you?re an experienced home craftsman and if you have the right tools. It you?re a novice, this is an excellent project to learn with.
I’ve bought mail order plans since I was eleven or twelve. First from magazine advertisements and later from the WEB. Most of the early sets looked as though the guy drew them using a pen and yellow lined paper while he was waiting for the coffee pot to finish brewing. The later sets were mostly done using MSPaint? or some similar software and really weren’t worth the cost of postage. I sincerely hope you will find my plans significantly better than what I described above.

The 33 page Drill Jig Construction Manual includes 31 illustrations, Table Of Contents and two Indices. The optional document package includes professional drawn, tabloid size [11? X 17?] CAD drawings of all piece part, sub-assembly and assembly prints in ANSI format. In addition, you can purchase full sized drilling templates printed on durable, heavy paper.
Order Your DIY Drill Jig Plans Today!

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