Electric Scooter Plans
What was originally designed as a child’s toy – electric minibike – turned out to be a practical and novel transportation vehicle.? With the current trend to electric scooters and mopeds, this ride is very timely.
With little modification to the basic plan, the scooter can be redesigned to fit larger riders (adults), making it just the thing for pollution-free commuting or errands.? Or build just as it presents and the result will be hours of fun for kids and adults.
A well laid out and detailed diagram set gets you from start to finish on the project quicker than you believe.? Cutting, welding, and electrical wiring work are the skill sets used for this project. The plan set’s text fills in the blanks to ease you through to completion in no time.
Have some fun, or run some errands, but you have to build it first!!!
Build An Electric Scooter from salvaged bike & go cart parts!