Hovercraft Plans


SKU: Bartlett Flying Saucer Category: Tag:




Here’s a one person standup style hovercraft from the 1960’s and 1970″s.? Advertised perennially in the classified section of such publications as Popular Mechanics, Popular Science and Mechanix Illustrated.

This Flying Saucer Hovercraft Plan is a simple Blueprint style drawing, with full written instructions, dimensions, and Materials list within the diagram.

This is one of many hovercrafts designed by Herb Bartlett, with claims such as the use of a “Plenum-chamber…3 h.p. Briggs & Straton lawn mower engine…Best all-up weight…425 lb., best forward speed 26 m.p.h…hull clearance 14in to 18in…”

Overall quite an interesting and fun project for anyone interested in a hover vehicle.

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