Solar Lantern CNC Plasma DXF Files Download The lantern CNC plasma DXF files download includes everything you need to produce this outdoor wall-mounted or tabletop lanterns. Overall Dimensions – 6.18” Width x 6.18” Depth x 9.5” Tall Constructed of 14 Gauge Sheet Steel No Welding Interchangeable Panels Inexpensive Solar Powered Top Table Top or Wall…
All steel parts bins. Plasma cut 14 ga. steel. Boxes easily removable to take to your work station. Build as many units as you need in multiples of 30 boxes. stack units side by side or to and bottom.
DOWNLOADABLE FILES – Retrieve Immediately After Order Submission
This listing is for a digital download file only for a ready-to-cut DXF file.
All DXF files are hand-drawn in a 2D CAD program and exported as a DXF. With this file, anyone who has a CNC Plasma table or Laser cutter can cut this for you!
Finished design – 8″ large, ready tu cut from 0,0785 Inches (2mm) steel thichness!
Pease see all my similarly products!
They are also beautiful – in other words realistic!
Eagle Clock DXF Download DXF download Designed To Cut At 14-inch diameter. A realistic piece of art designed specifically for plasma cutting. Classic Scalable Art for CNC Plasma Cutting, laser, water jet, routing or engraving. Waterjet Cutting Cad Cam Cutting Plasma Cutting Laser Cutting Outdoor Signs and Plaques Glass, Stone, Wood, and Metal Signs GREAT…