Showing all 11 results

  • Shoe Ionizer Plans

    Shoe Ionizer Plans


    DIY SHOE IONIZER   STINKY SHOES? NO PROBLEM.? This folder will show you how Mike from Michigan?used a childs toy (starting point) to build a shoe ionizer. It creates negative ions and ozone to purify your shoes. It has long been known?that negative ions and ozone will?kill mold, mildew, fungus, and smells.??Build one and alternate…

  • Multiwave Oscillator Plans


    MULTIWAVE OSCILLATOR PLANS   How To Build A Multiwave Oscillator One tuning fork when struck can literally cause another of the same frequency to start “ringing” by simply being close enough to it. This is called”sympathetic vibration” A Dr, by the name of Georges Lakhovsky designed a healing device on this principle in the early…

  • John Ellis Type Water Energizer Plans


    JOHN ELLIS TYPE WATER ENERGIZER PLANS   How To Build A John Ellis Type Water Energizer John Ellis water has many claims for and against it but if you want a JH water energizer machine they are expensive. Mike from Michigan decided to build his own from easy to find hardware and electrical contractor supply…

  • Homemade Water Ionizer

    Homemade Water Ionizer


    HOMEMADE WATER IONIZER ALKALINE WATER GENERATOR Water Ionizer Machine Alkaline water is claimed to have health benefits? as is acid water good to be used for fruit/vegetable wash and open wound cleanse. Water ionizers generally?are pricey items. Mike from Michigan shows you how he built his own water ionizer from inexpensive parts and how he…

  • Homemade Sensitive Listening Device


    HOMEMADE SENSITIVE LISTENING DEVICE   This is a file that tells how Mike from Michigan built his very sensitive listening device . Can you find a listening device in the picture??? Look closer –There is a clue in the second picture . Once built this listening device was able to hear a low whisper at…

  • Headlight Moisture Dryer Plans


    HEADLIGHT MOISTURE DRYER PLANS   Having moisture in a headlight is expensive to fix. Headlights from the dealer?often cost $250 – $350 plus installation costs. Mike from Michigan decided to build a system when his wife’s car had this trouble. This system costs less than $15 in materials, and took 15 minutes to instal. This…

  • Fluorescent Light Repair


    FLUORESCENT LIGHT REPAIR   Fix For Stubborn Fluorescent Lights Do you have stubborn fluorescent lights in your barn garage or other that need 10 minutes of “warmup time” before they will fire? MIKE from MICHIGAN had this trouble especially in?his cold damp garage so he built a device from a childs toy (and?one larger) ?that…

  • Electronic Mosquito Repellent


    ELECTRONIC MOSQUITO REPELLENT   Build A Electronic Mosquito Repellent DIY Electronic Mosquito Repellent document – guide designed by Mike from Michigan to be used as a Patio or Lawn Chair Mosquiot repellent device. In the past Mike used this same electronic device in his Greenhouse to Accelerate Plant Growth. In doing so he found that…

  • Electromagnetic Water ConditionerElectromagnetic Water Conditioner

    Electromagnetic Water Conditioner


    ELECTROMAGNETIC WATER CONDITIONERS   Electromagnetic Water Conditioners are the new way to remove or eliminate calcium lime from filling your water heater and pipes.? With a simple circuit and some wire you can save yourself the $500 that these units cost new. Mike from Michigan will show you the simple circuit and means by which…

  • DIY Pot Stirrer

    DIY Pot Stirrer


    DIY POT STIRRER   Cuts Time In Half or More! Build this handy automatic stirring device and not only reduce (condense) your sauces, ketchup and many other food stuffs but save time while you are at it! Mike from Michigan created his own handy automatic stirring – agitator device which clamps to your pot.? Spend…

  • Build Negative Ion Generator


    BUILD NEGATIVE ION GENERATOR     DIY Ozone Negative Ion Generator Guide Mike from Michigan shows ?how I built mine? Negative Ion Generator.? Ozone and Negative Ions seek out and kill Mold and Mildew! This DIY Guide will show you the High Voltage Negative Ion Generator Machine makes HUGE amounts of Ozone and Negative Ions….