DIY Generator Voltage Regulator
- Generac (Simplicity-Sears-Dayton etc)
Build it yourself AC Generator Voltage Regulator Circuit
- DPE Brush Field Type
In this Guide, Mike from Michigan shows how he built a Voltage Regulator to fix his Old AC Generator.? Follow his guide on how to repair your old generator and save money by using salvaged materials!
Do you have an old Simplicity (Generac) a generator that needs a voltage regulator but it’s too old to buy parts for?? Mike had the same problem, he also had an old Standby Dayton (Generac) generator that had been hit by lightning which also needed a regulator. This day the voltage regulator guide shows how he built his own to get his generators going without spending a bunch of money!
This is a ?fits all? guide for MOST small single phase (5kw-10kw) with a DPE (displaced pole exciter) winding and brush feed to the field.? Can also easily be scaled up for larger units (up to 20kw farm units).? Generac manufacturers generators by many names.
He built 2 for less than $60. They could be almost free with scavenged parts.
This is an electronic circuit so soldering skills are needed. THE CIRCUIT IS EXPLAINED IN EACH SECTION TO ALLOW AND UNDERSTAND OPERATION.
All of the parts can be sourced on eBay or
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